ulmus 7.x-1.0

Stable sub-distribution. This has been largely unchanged and is just a meta-distro.

ulmus 7.x-1.0-beta1

Bug fixes

Packager was getting mad about jquery joyride so I moved it back to the local.make.example file that's included with this distribution. This is a republishing of major versions of modules as well as updates through my batch of contrib that help power this project.

ulmus 7.x-1.0-alpha2

Bug fixes

General module updates as well as packaging improvements to build with some key patches to og_clone / restws and fitvids library moved to d.o. packager

ulmus 7.x-1.0-alpha1

New features

Alpha build as this base distribution has started to be used to build other distros like MOOC, CLE, LAR, and ICOR. Previously I said there wouldn't be point releases of this project but this will make the process more viable to some. As with other distributions I produce, this is intended to be used to create tools and is nothing more then an advanced, well structured starting point. Use profiler Builder to create a distro using this one as a basis and hook it into the ELMS Learning Network quickly.

ulmus 7.x-1.x-dev

Development branch for Ulmus distribution. This manifest will be useful to developers of distributions to quickly get up and going with a module base which to craft micro-site management solutions.

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