I am trying to build out a form where volunteers can sign up to work different times.

I have seen this done once and can't replicate it.

Basically you (the volunteer) checks the time they want to serve, they are redirected to a different page where they fill out their personal info (name, city, state) and when they click sumbit, they can see there name on the chart. Now no one else can check that they would like to work that time.


This page has what I am looking for.

Anyone have any ideas as to how I can replicate this?


John_B’s picture

That is not a Drupal site of course. It is not altogether straighforward in D7. There is a D6 module http://drupal.org/project/booking_timeslots

You should look here http://groups.drupal.org/node/137544

I think all the solutions for D7 require a fair amount of setting up. The alternative is to use Google Calendar, and drop it into your site with an iFrame. Though I am not sure Google Calendar can entirely prevent double-booking of a single time slot https://productforums.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/calendar/e_Jvx...

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