I wonder if anyone can help me where I can change the transition time of the slide and also the type of transition?

Before installing this module, the previous option possessed such settings that I can not find now.

Thanks for the help


disciple411’s picture

I'm also in need of understanding how, if possible, to change the transition type and time.

Daveed-1’s picture

Go to ..sites/all/libraries/nivo-slide (you should have installed it, if you've done the installation correctly)

There open jquery.nivo.slider.js

At the end of the file you find the settings you can change.

It looks like this:

//Default settings
$.fn.nivoSlider.defaults = {
effect: 'fade',
slices: 15,
boxCols: 8,
boxRows: 4,
animSpeed: 1000,
pauseTime: 3500,
startSlide: 0,
directionNav: true,
directionNavHide: true,
controlNav: true,
controlNavThumbs: false,
controlNavThumbsFromRel: false,
controlNavThumbsSearch: '.jpg',
controlNavThumbsReplace: '_thumb.jpg',
keyboardNav: true,
pauseOnHover: true,
manualAdvance: false,
captionOpacity: 0.8,
prevText: 'Prev',
nextText: 'Next',
beforeChange: function(){},
afterChange: function(){},
slideshowEnd: function(){},
lastSlide: function(){},
afterLoad: function(){}