The standard drupal components have been left out of this .info explanation; the following is a description of each custom Aether defaults. For every default here, there is a theme-setting. If any of these options are removed, the theme will report an error.

Note: There is no sync between Sass and the theme-settings, so you must be sure that if you change the value of the following grid options, you must also change it in your .info file.

  • Gutter width
  • Grid widths
  • Names of each media query
  • Grid prefixes


These are the default javascripts that ship with Aether, it is suggested not to modify these, and use the theme-settings to turn them off.

; Responsive javascript.
settings[aether_polyfills][] = respond
settings[aether_polyfills][] = html5
settings[aether_polyfills][] = meta
settings[aether_polyfills][] = selectivizr
settings[aether_polyfills][] = imgsizer
settings[aether_polyfills][] = responsive_tables
settings[aether_polyfills][] = ios_orientation_fix

Media Query count

Currently this is a value that must stay at 5, for the 5 widths this theme supports. Keep this in sync with your base variables in _base.scss.

; Amount of media queries to use.
settings[media_queries] = '5'

Media Query Names

These are the names of the 5 widths, they appear in the theme-settings page. Keep this in sync with your base variables in _base.scss.

; Semantic names of each media query
settings[media_name1] = 'Desktop'
settings[media_name2] = 'Tablet Landscape'
settings[media_name3] = 'Tablet'
settings[media_name4] = 'Handheld Landscape'
settings[media_name5] = 'Handheld'

Grid class prefixes

These are the grid prefixes for class names, if you change these in your grid variables _base.scss file, you must also update them here or the theme will not insert the right class names. Keep this in sync with your base variables in _base.scss.

; Base css prefixes for each of the 5 media queries.
settings[grid_prefix1] = g-d-
settings[grid_prefix2] = g-tl-
settings[grid_prefix3] = g-t-
settings[grid_prefix4] = g-hl-
settings[grid_prefix5] = g-h-

Media Queries on/off

This option turns on/off the loading of theme-settings for other devices apart from the default and doesn't load the mediaqueries stylesheet.

; Enable all 5 media queries, set to '0' to turn off
settings[layout_options][] = '1'

Main Menu links to grid

This is the default option for theme-settings to turn on/off making your main-menu links adhere to the grid.

; Enable navigation to grid, set to '0' to turn off
settings[layout_options][] = '2'

Grid debugging CSS on/off

This option turns on/off the loading of debug css stylesheet.

; Grid debugging css
settings[grid_background][] = '0'

Gutter width

This is the gutter width of your grid, which is specified in your _base.scss variables file. Keep this in sync with your base variables in _base.scss.

; Gutter and Grid numbers must match sass variables

; Gutter width choices in pixels
settings[gutter_width] = 20

Grid widths

This is how your theme settings determines what grids are available. The first number determins the grid columns, the second determines the grid width. Keep this in sync with your base variables in _base.scss.

; Supported grids for each of the 5 media queries.
settings[theme_grid1] = grid12-1148
settings[theme_grid_options1][] = grid12-1148
settings[theme_grid2] = grid12-968
settings[theme_grid_options2][] = grid12-968
settings[theme_grid3] = grid12-752
settings[theme_grid_options3][] = grid12-752
settings[theme_grid4] = grid12-428
settings[theme_grid_options4][] = grid12-428
settings[theme_grid5] = grid12-308
settings[theme_grid_options5][] = grid12-308

Sidebar layout options

  1. Split sidebars
  2. Two sidebars left
  3. Two sidebars right
  4. First sidebar left, Second sidebar full width on bottom
  5. First sidebar right, Second sidebar full width on bottom
  6. Full width sidebars, source order is content, sidebar1, sidebar2
; Sidebar layout defaults for each of the 5 media queries.
settings[sidebar_layout1] = '1'
settings[sidebar_layout2] = '1'
settings[sidebar_layout3] = '1'
settings[sidebar_layout4] = '6'
settings[sidebar_layout5] = '6'

Region widths

Adjust the column widths of each region from a value of 1 to grid#. There are a number of these blocks for each of the regions in this theme with 1 exception.. the content block is auto calculated so there is only sidebar 1 and sidebar 2.

; User region width defaults for each of the 5 media queries
settings[regionname_width1] = '6'
settings[regionname_width2] = '6'
settings[regionname_width3] = '6'
settings[regionname_width4] = '12'
settings[regionname_width5] = '12'