I have this problem:
- a content type called section with 5 custom fields
- I need to display each field as a different page: section/1/fieldA, section/2/fieldB, etc...

I would like to override node.tpl.php and output the desidered field based on 3rd parameter (fieldA, fieldB, ...). How can this be done ? Do I need to create a custom module or can be done via theming ?

What if I wanted to replace the nodeId with a string ?

Thank you


nevets’s picture

Do they need to be different pages or will tabs work? If tabs will work you might check out Field Groups.

If not you might consider using Display Suite to provide multiple view modes (one per page) and the context module to change the view mode based on path. Those look like path aliases (section/1) which will not work if you tack something onto the path (section/1/fieldA)

audster’s picture

the display suite module?
