saml_sp 4.3.0

should be ready for Drupal 11


Issues: 1 issues resolved.

Changes since 4.2.3:


  • #3432303: \Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead

saml_sp 4.2.3

Bug fixes

There was a misunderstanding by the developer (myself) in 4.2.2 which removed the certificate/key requirement when logoutResponseSigned was checked, this has been fixed.

saml_sp 4.2.2

Bug fixes
New features

Contributors (2)

jrglasgow, bucefal91


Issues: 5 issues resolved.

Changes since 4.2.1:

saml_sp 4.2.1

New features

I made a mistake when tagging 4.2.0 (I forgot to do a git pull before creating the tag and realised after the release was created)

Contributors (5)

jproctor, denix, alimc29, Project Update Bot, jrglasgow

saml_sp 4.2.0

Bug fixes
New features

Drupal 10 compatibility and minor refactoring

Contributors (2)

Project Update Bot, jrglasgow


Issues: 1 issues resolved.

Changes since 4.1.0:

saml_sp 7.x-3.4

Bug fixes
New features

Contributors (1)



Issues: 2 issues resolved.

Changes since 7.x-3.3:

saml_sp 4.1.0

Bug fixes
New features

A big collection of improvements since version 4.0.1.

saml_sp 7.x-3.3

Bug fixes


Issues: 3 issues resolved.

Changes since 7.x-3.2:

saml_sp 4.0.1

switched to semantic versioning - otherwise identical to 8.x-3.9

saml_sp 7.x-3.2

Bug fixes

various small fixes and one bad bug

Contributors (3)

mohit.bansal623, denix, jrglasgow


Issues: 4 issues resolved.

Changes since 7.x-3.1:

saml_sp 8.x-3.4

Bug fixes

added a few class files that were missed in 8.x-3.3

saml_sp 8.x-3.0-beta3

Bug fixes

Changes since 8.x-3.0-beta2

  • Issue #3074422 by jrglasgow: empty <saml:AuthnContextClassRef>
  • remove required for new certificate

saml_sp 7.x-2.8

Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-2.7:

saml_sp 7.x-3.0

Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-3.0-beta2:

saml_sp 7.x-3.0-beta2

New features

Added support for the new php-saml v3.0.0 library which uses name spaces

saml_sp 7.x-2.7

Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-2.6:

  • removed some debugging code that was accidentally committed
  • #3011842 by jrglasgow: with php-saml 2.x xmlseclibs not found

Note: there are a few known bugs using this module with the php-saml 3.0.0-namespaceless branch, I am currently working to resolve it and will have a fix out in the next few days.

saml_sp 8.x-2.1

Bug fixes
New features

Changes since 8.x-2.0:

  • #3003878 by jrglasgow: need ability to add new certificate to metadata before old cert expires
  • removing some debugging code
  • modified the config forms to ensure that if a setting is overridden the field is disabled and showing the overridden settings

saml_sp 7.x-2.6

Bug fixes
New features

Changes since 7.x-2.5:

  • #3003878 by jrglasgow: need ability to add new certificate to metadata before old cert expires
  • fixing error when detecting the 2.x branch of the php-saml library

saml_sp 8.x-2.0

Bug fixes

Changes since 8.x-2.0-beta5:

  • fixing version in

saml_sp 7.x-2.1

Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-2.0:

  • fixing a bug where if only one context is selected the context ID is shown instead of the context key
  • removed [] array definition as it causes problems with older version of PHP
  • doing some checking to ensure the php-saml library can be loaded to prevent fatal errors
  • flatten cert issuer array if necessary

saml_sp 8.x-2.0-beta2

Bug fixes
New features

First beta release

Changes since 8.x-2.0-alpha3:

saml_sp 7.x-2.0

Bug fixes

First Stable release.

Changes since 7.x-2.0-beta5:

  • #2572715 by dpolant: EntityMetadataWrapperException: Unknown data property field_nameid

saml_sp 8.x-2.0-alpha3

Bug fixes
New features

Changes since 8.x-2.0-alpha2:

  • fixed one warning about foreach over an empty array and fix a couple of debugging lines
  • Allow for multiple signing certificates for an IdP

saml_sp 7.x-2.0-beta4

Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-2.0-beta3:

  • removing references to the saml_sp_Response class including the class as it is no longer needed
  • updating php-saml library version which includes copy of xmlseclibs so commenting it out for now


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