I I created a view with display of the page, but the page title does not appear. Other pages that are not views, it appears normally. If I change the theme for Bartik, the title is displayed normally. What can be?


Anonymous’s picture

Same issue here as well. I originally thought it was something I did in the template files but switching to a plain Omega or Alpha has the same issue. Switching to the Mothership theme shows the title. Like you, works with regular nodes.

Anonymous’s picture

Same issue here as well. I originally thought it was something I did in the template files but switching to a plain Omega or Alpha has the same issue. Switching to the Mothership theme shows the title. Like you, works with regular nodes.

Cellar Door’s picture

Hmmm.... interesting. I haven't seen this come up in any of my views. Are you using any custom deltas, delta blocks or any other template customizations?

mspano’s picture

Initially I was not using any Delta block. After seeing some posts on drupal.org, i decided to use delta to try to resolve. But still not resolved.
Anyway, I changed the subject because there was not much time.

In the future I'll try it again and try to solve the problem of the titles of pages views.

Sorry my English suffered, because I am Brazilian and not mastered English very well.

Cellar Door’s picture

No worries on the English mspano it was great! We've got people here from all over the world, mastery of English isn't required at all.

So you were able to still see the issue with Delta blocks as well? Have you done any customization of the template files?

filsterjisah’s picture

I've got the same issue, try adding the following in template.php of you subtheme:

 * Implements THEMENAME_preprocess_views_view().
function MYSUBTHEME_preprocess_views_view(&$vars) {
  // Add title for page views
  if ($vars['view']->display_handler->plugin_name == 'page') {
    if ($vars['title'] = $vars['view']->get_title()) {
      $vars['title_prefix'] = array('#markup' => '<h2>');
      $vars['title_suffix'] = array('#markup' => '</h2>');
mspano’s picture

Thanks for the feedback.
At the time I gave up and started using another theme. Probably will use the Omega in another project, then, has kept his tip for testing.
Sorry my bad english, I'm writing via google translate. I am Brazilian inexperienced in writing in English.