jsmath 6.x-2.0

New features
Bug fixes

All of the following are fixes applied to 1.x-dev to create a new safe version of jsMath.

* Converted the previous "simplified" jsmath_init() into a Drupal 6.x filter. #287202: Provide option to load jsMath only on pages that contain math code
* Some cleanup including Coder fixes. Nothing major.
* Added support for libraries folder #553004: Find library code in sites/all/libraries.
* Installation instructions for 2.x
* Fixed two ' in strings on line 204/206 #857164: Parse error in jsmath.module
* Removed the addition of the as at times a

would be required and it is nearly impossible to make sure we grab all the possibilities.
* Changed the test to know whether jsMath should be included.
* Made doubleDollarsAreInLine dynamic.
* Added the jsMath library as a requirement to install the jsMath module.
* Delete jsmath_* variables when uninstalling the module.
* Moved the settings form in the .admin.inc file.
* Created a requirements hook.
* Properly uninstall the jsMath variables.
* Updated the filter tooltips to mention support of multiple tags.
* Moved the hook_menu() function to the top as in most of the other modules.
* The _jsmath_library_path() function is defined in the .module which is not automatically loaded on installation of the module. Added an explicit load. #858152: Installation stops with php error
* Fixed the name of the module to be loaded!?
* Fixed dirname() variable typo! #858152: Installation stops with php error
* Validate all the form parameters.

jsmath 6.x-2.x-dev

New features
Bug fixes

This is a new version of the module using a filter instead of the hook_init() that would add jsMath functionality to ALL pages.

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