With more than one language available on your site, there is of course also the question of which language should be displayed. Drupal has several ways of selecting this:

  • By domain name or path prefixes for each language, such as en.example.com and sv.example.com, or example.com/en/node/1 and example.com/sv/node/2.
  • By a parameter in the request or session, such as example.com?language=en.
  • By detecting language settings in the visitor's browser.
  • By reading the language settings in a logged-in user's account.

You may select which of these options should be used, and how they should be prioritized, by visiting the detection and selection tab at the toolbar, Configuration, Languages. The prefix used for each language can be changed at the language overview page, by following the edit link for each language.

TIP: The Locale module provides the block language switcher, with convenient links for switching between different language versions of the same page (where available). You must enable language detection by prefix to use this block.