With Views, you normally need to create separate displays to achieve even minimal changes in how the view is displayed and used. With the content pane display, you may override a number of settings in the configuration dialogue displayed in panels each time you embed the view. This significantly decreases the need for different displays. (See figure 13.16) The settings you can override are:

  • Use pager: This overrides the pager settings in the view.
  • Items per page: This overrides the number of results displayed per page.
  • Pager offset: This overrides the offset for the view, skipping the first few results.
  • Link to view: This overrides the option to link the pane title to any page display (or path override).
  • Path override: This allows manual setting of a new base path for the view, to use instead of any page display. This is useful when using exposed settings in a view content pane.
  • Title override: This is the most common setting and allows manual overriding of the view title.
  • Use exposed widgets form as pane configuration: This setting embeds any exposed settings as part of the pane configuration dialogue, instead of displaying them to the end user.
  • Fields override: This option allows you, as administrator, to select which view fields should be displayed.

How can this be used?
Using the Title override option, a display listing content created by a specified user may be given the title My Content in a panel showing the acting user's content.
A comment list with an exposed filter for Day Published can be embedded three times on the same panel page to – with the setting Use exposed widgets form as pane configuration – display comments written today, yesterday and the day before that.

Figure 12.16: The allow settings options makes it possible to override parts of the view configuration from the panel where the view is embedded.

TIP: The Views content panes module also provides a display type called context. It can be loaded as a context in custom pages, with two effects. The first is that individual elements from the view, such as the pager, exposed settings or selected rows, may be output as panes. The second is that the view results may be loaded as new contextual objects. The latter function allows strange and wonderful things to happen.

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