5. Now for the magic! Open your sub theme directory and find the file 'template.php'. Open it for editing using something like Notepad ++. At the bottom of the file, add the following code:

function sun_set_backgrounds(&$variables) {
/** Find what Section this page is assigned to and select appropriate
* background images from a directory tree for the header, main and banner images, 
* then build CSS and add it to the page.
*/ ***** SET THESE VARIABLES *****

 $sun_server_path = "http://" .$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."/"; // "http://localhost/"
 $sun_tree = "sites/example.com/files/background/";
 $sun_branches = array(

 $file_types = array( 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png') ;
 $sun_css = "";
 $node = 0;
 // For Views pages or nodes without field_section, get the first term in the URI
$uri_path = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$uri_bits = explode('/', $uri_path);
 if ($uri_bits['1'] == ''||$uri_bits['1'] == 'node') {
 $sun_section = 'Front';
 else { 
 $sun_section = ucfirst($uri_bits['1']);

 // If the page is a node, load it
if (arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric(arg(1))) {
 $nid = arg(1);
 $node = node_load($nid);

 //** For Nodes, if the node has field_section, get the value of field_section 
 if (field_get_items('node', $node, 'field_section')){
 $section_item = field_get_items('node', $node, 'field_section');
 $tid = $section_item[0]['tid']; ;
 $term = taxonomy_term_load($tid);
 $sun_section = taxonomy_term_title($term);
 //** Look in the directory tree for a background image and get its URL.
foreach ($sun_branches as $sun_branch) {
 /** Randomly select an image from the section and branch folder below 
 * the given path and return a url to reference it.
$regex = '/\.(' . implode('|',$file_types) . ')$/i' ;
$files = array() ;

 if (FALSE == is_dir($sun_tree .$sun_section ."/".$sun_branch[0] ."/")) {
 $sun_section = "default";
 if ($directory = opendir($sun_tree .$sun_section ."/".$sun_branch[0] ."/")) {
 while ( FALSE !== ($file = readdir( $directory )) ) {
 if ( preg_match($regex, $file ) ) {
 $files[] = $file ;
 /** If no image was found there, set the default image, otherwise pick one.
if (empty( $files ) ) {
 $sun_url = $sun_server_path .$sun_tree."default/" .$sun_branch[0] ."/default.jpg";
 else {
 $which = rand(0,sizeof($files)-1) ; 
 $sun_url = $sun_server_path .$sun_tree .$sun_section ."/".$sun_branch[0] ."/" .$files[$which];
//** Build inline CSS statement and add it to the page.
 $sun_css = $sun_branch[1] ."{background-image:url('" .$sun_url ."');}";
 drupal_add_css($sun_css,$option['type'] = 'inline');

 if ($sun_branch[0] == "matte") {
 $sun_css = $sun_branch[1] ."{background-attachment:fixed;}";
 drupal_add_css($sun_css,$option['type'] = 'inline');

Edit the function above as needed to match your image names and div ids. Firebug is really handy for finding the name of the div or container you want to set a background image for.

6. Just above where you inserted the code above you should find a function called 'your_theme'_preprocess_page. Add a line so that it calls the function we just added. It should look something like this:

function sun_preprocess_page(&$variables, $hook) {
   sun_set_backgrounds ($variables);

Next, you can place some of your content into the proper sections.