
I am using drupal 5.0
I wanted to embed flash movies inside stories .. i tried using full html form but it is not showing anything.. what should i do?

I tried FCKeditor also.. it is also not showing anything if i am embeding flash movies.

Please help

Thanks in advance
- Smita.


erika’s picture

hello all,
a newbie here.I want my flash file to be showed in the front page as a banner.I've downlaoded the flashnode module as well as swf tools module.
I've the generic flash files to be used.

  • Banner.fla,
    Banner.html and few images
  • I've no knowledge about flash.
    I want to know how to embed these files as well as images in drupal.Where should these images be placed and all
    need help drupallers

    edit :I'm using drupal 5 and using the zen theme

    elliotttt’s picture

    A quick and dirty way would be to install swftools, enable the modules it ships with, then add a php snippet into a node that reads:

    <?php print swf('nameOfFlashMovie.swf') ?>

    Make sure the input format is set to php for that particular node.

    The swftools handles all the normal embed code you'd have to add using regular html. The default path for swftools is the files foldler, so notice that's not there in the path for the example.

    Be sure to check out the swftools Demo as well.

    --Drupal School.

    erika’s picture

    hello Elliot,

    I did what you said..sorry if i"m being silly.
    i get the following error "sorry flash not available
    Could not display the flash because "drupalfiles/Banner.swf" does not appear to exist.
    I want it in ablock so tried doing it in blocks...
    any suggestions

    elliotttt’s picture

    Hm.. if i had a file in files/monkey.swf, i'd use:


    Drupal School.

    LeanneG’s picture

    I have successfully inserted my swf file -THANK YOU!

    BUT i now need it to be displayed 500wide and i am not sure why it is substantially smaller than this or how to set it to a size of my choice

    I'd appreciate your help

    erika’s picture

    pl post the steps....

    LeanneG’s picture

    well, have you added the relevant flash modules to the site?

    then add the following php script. I even found how to size the file to view. print swf('File.swf', '500x375') -

    Here is my inserted file - i have several folder levels outside my drupal folder so i tend to use the whole url to the image:

    print swf('http://www.fresherschools.com/gfx_source/slideshow.swf', '500x375')

    erika’s picture

    Thank you so much Leanne for the help.Sorry for my late response

    lias’s picture

    how are you uploading the file? I'm a bit confused by swftools which I just installed. Do you have to create a content type for the flash files you want to upload (I can't use flashnode because I have private files enabled)?

    nipper-1’s picture

    I use this code in a full html block when I embed flash files. It works, it's not perfect but it works. well, it does with firefox, maybe not with IE. If this is good/bad practice, please let me know, i'd be interested in a better way! this inserts a 120x600 skyscraper, so change dimentions as necessary.

     <object codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0" width="120" height="600">
        <embed src="http://www.yourwebsite.com/files/flash/adblock_sky.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="120" height="600"></embed>
    leanazulyoro’s picture

    elliot, what if i want to use a swf file that is in my theme folder? I'd like to keep it with my theme since it's a part of it. anyway, in a more generic manner the question is, how to embed swf files from other directories inside the drupal site? I tried:

    print swf('/sites/all/themes/mytheme/images/header.swf'); 
    print swf(base_path() . drupal_get_path('theme', 'mytheme').'/images/header.swf'); 
    print swf(drupal_get_path('theme', 'mytheme').'/images/header.swf'); 

    and I get the text "You are missing some Flash content that should appear here! Perhaps your browser cannot display it, or maybe it did not initialise correctly", the replacement text to show if the file could not be loaded. please some help would be apretiated