I'm using Omega 7.x-3.1 with Panels. I'm using Omega's "Three column 4-4-4 stacked" panel layout that it exposes to Panels. When there is no content in the left and right panel regions, I want the middle panel region to expand to take their place. Similarly, when there is no content in the left panel region, I want the left panel region to be hidden and the middle panel region to expand to take the space of the left and middle panel regions, with the right panel region remaining with grid-4 width, because it has content. ...and so on and so forth. The problem is that this doesn't seem possible. Instead, when the left panel region is empty, it simply collapses, and the middle and right panel regions shift to the left, leaving a gaping blank area on the right side of the layout. And when the left *AND* right panel regions are empty, the middle panel region stays at it's 1/3 width (grid-4) and slides to the left. How can I make the middle panel region expand to use any space made available when either the left panel region or the right panel region is empty? Ideally it would be nice if there was an automated way to make the middle panel region switch to grid-8 or grid-12 depending on whether one or both of the side panel regions are empty. ...or some other solution that achieves the same result. But there does not seem to be a way to do this, at least not that I have found. Any suggestions? Any help is greatly appreciated. I'm desperate for a solution.