i am working on an intranet for a school and have come across a dilemma.

i have set up various roles (right now just simple roles such as faculty, staff, student, parent, alumni, etc.) and can go into the admin area and set the permission for these roles however, i am not sure what to do about setting more specific permissions for the various roles.

i would like to create i hierarchy of roles so that, for instance, i could specify staff to have a certain set of permissions, but then a subset role within staff for middle school secretaries (as an example) and only they would be able to create, edit, and delete just a certain set of pages, forums, calendars, etc. ideally the middle school secretaries role would inherit the base attributes of the staff role (but this is not essential). what is essential is to have certain people only be able to modify certain sections of the site. can i do this with taxonomy? is there a way to set permissions for certain taxonomy terms?


Dries’s picture

It is not possible right now but it is on the TODO list. If you want to help implementing (or testing) this feature, that would be great.

erikhopp’s picture

well, i'd certainly love to help test and develop too, but my php skills are still at the lower levels.

the most important thing for my applications are being able to restrict / grant access to only certain areas of the site based on roles.

the inheiriting of permissions would be a great addition as well, but i can work around that not being in place.

if anyone wants to help me (give me some clues as to where to start to get this restrict / grant access working), i would be more than willing to start trying things out.

mitchbnj’s picture

OK based on my other life, doing *nix support, etc, as well as high level w/site design (the 50,000 foot kind)
I can tell you may need to get more specific with your roles.

Group Staff:
* Any employee of School district

Group Elememtary Staff
All are members of Group Staff--and ALL work in elementary school
may be teachers, or support(secretarial)or admin (principal/ap,etc)

Group Elementary Teachers
all are members of staff, elementary staff

Group Elementary Support
all are members of staff, elementary staff

Group Elementary admin
all are members of staff, elementary staff
could (?) be members of BOTH elementary support AND elementary teachers.
This would also be a role as "almost" root for elementary level.
I'd have one more
all are members of staff, elementary staff
Has "GOD" powers for anything elementary.
and can change user roles

I think that snippet may help
Note that permissions do inherit.
All members of elementary support are by inheritance members of staff
all members of elementaryteachers are also members of staff and elememtary staff

Hope this entitles me to a free bunch of questions!

Mitch B
ABSOLUTE Drupal Newbie, but
CTO and Chief Geek
GameLAND, Inc.

Anonymous’s picture

make differant catagorys and forums for the differnt things, dont make the teackers admins, just moderators for their forums. If you cannot do this on you board try get the ibf invision board. :)
Iain Hewitt