Here you will find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding Zentropy.

If the answer to your specific question is not here, don't panic! First check out the official Zentropy issue queue, there's a good chance your question has already been addressed! If it hasn't, no worries, feel free to add an issue asking for help!


What's the difference between Zen, Basic, Boron and Zentropy?

What really sets Zentropy apart is that apart from bringing together great ideas from both afforementioned themes, it includes all of the awesomeness from Paul Irish's HTML5 Boilerplate and Mobile Boilerplate and Andy Clarke's 320 and Up for a rock-solid, responsive HTML5 starter theme.

Think of it as a fork of all those projects merged into one big steaming pile of awesome. Plus, we have amazing Drush integration.


What's the difference between Fusion, Omega, AdaptiveTheme, 965 and Zentropy?

All of the above are (amazing) grid-based themes. It's not that we don't believe in grids, err, actually, ok, we don't. We like the freedom to create our pages the way we see fit without adhering to any kind of restrictive (or other) system. Plus, we have amazing Drush integration.


Does this mean you will never support grids?

Good question! Probably not, if there's enough demand (which there isn't at the moment), we will definitely do it, probably as an official subtheme.


What really sets Zentropy apart from pretty much all other HTML5 base themes?

We offer a responsive approach following best practices with accessibility, extensibility and performance in mind. Plus, we have amazing Drush integration.


I created and enabled a subtheme but things look weird and the theme isn't responsive at all. HELP!!!

In your theme settings, make sure "Enable responsive styles" (under HTML5 Support) is enabled. If you are using Internet Explorer, please make sure you enabled the "Enable media queries in IE8 and below " option (under Polyfills). You may also have to enable Zentropy in order for your subtheme to work properly.


Why are you so obsessed about your Drush integration?

Because it is awesome.


What's next?

Now that you got these questions out of the way, let's install Zentropy and get started creating a beautiful responsive HTML5 theme!

Read on! Step 1: Installation