Use the default Drupal theme.
Create a review type with 2 axes and assign it to a custom "Hotel" node type.
Add reviews for the hotel, filling values for both axes.
Browse the reviewed hotel and display the list of reviews ("Reviews" tab) : only the first axe of each review is displayed in the list.
Same issue when browsing details of a single review : only the first axe is displayed.


ICThawk’s picture

This is my last hurdle. I have hacked this module to pieces to get what I need it do to (essentially a customer service review) however I need the user "client" to be able to see the actual reviews and not just the composite score of all reviews. I'm currently digging through this. If I find anything I will post it.

EDIT: It looks like the problem so far is that the actual vote data (score and axis) is stored in the Voting API part of the database as single entries. Need to display all Vote Entries that have an entity_id=nid.

EDIT 2: After digging through it it also seems like for whatever reason the code is pulling the first axis into the array but isn't pulling the children/other axis. I can't seem to figure out why either. If I could get them into the array I shouldn't have any problem formatting them for my purposes.’s picture

I'm having the same exact issue.