On the Redirect 403 configuration screen we have the Display access denied message on login page: custom box set with a custom message. This works fine. We then have another message customized (with specific text) that then shows on the 403 if the person who logs in still gets a 403 (like if they do not have the role that corresponds to the access controlled node). I set this 2nd 403 text in the theme function that you've provided in the module code. This theme function is:

function theme_r4032login_denied() {
drupal_set_title(t('Access denied'));
return '

' . t('You are not authorized to access this page. Even though you\'re logged in, you still asked for a page that you\'re not allowed to see.') . '


It would be nice if we could set this specific drupal_set_title in the actual module config page - can this be done easily? This would be a good enhancement for the next version of the module.

Let me know if this makes sense and/or if you have suggestions for doing this in the code?

