Hi, I cant seem to figure out why every time I put in Japanese characters in and hit preview I can see the characters fine, but when I post all I get is ???? replacing the text. Is there any way to fix this problem?

Please Help!

, coll


Kalamar’s picture

yes it is too problem and i have this problem :(


faif’s picture

The same is true for me. I'm using drupal 5.x plus the i18n package, but when I'm trying to translate a node in Greek I get ????

Any tips? Thanks.

GabrielPradiipaka’s picture

In my humble opinion, your server seems to be forcing the character set Latin 1 (ISO-8859-1) from the httpd file. This is commonly seen in the vast majority of the westerner servers. Therefore, in order to override that, includes this code in the .htaccess of Drupal (at the end, of course):

AddType text/html;charset=utf-8 HTML

Well, this line of code should force utf-8 in Drupal. At least, it works for me in html pages and I see no reason for it not to work on Drupal too.


faif’s picture

My problem was with the database. For some curious reason, the mysql databases were installed with the default encoding (swedish-latin...), and not in UTF-8.