It seems that using mod_rewrite to set or modify the query string can corrupt it. One case where it certainly fails is if the URL has %2B (a urlencoded "+" character) in it.

As a demonstration, try searching for the string "alice + bob". You can see on that the rewrite rules change the %2B to a space, while on it work correctly without clean URLs.

The reason I am posting it here as a warning and not as a bug report is that it's not a Drupal issue, but a mod_rewrite issue. (It would be worth a bug report for mod_rewrite, but they have such bug reporting guidelines that require a few hours' work to follow...)


emir_birant’s picture

I am encountering this problem. with clean url, words come after first word of a search query are not passed to search functions. without clean url there is no problem. ex: sents two keys (ahmet and yildiz words) to search func only sends first key (ahmet) to search func
