I'm trying to configure a content type in a D7 site that lets users add "movie" records like you might do on IMDb. I've created a "movie" content type and within each node users should be able to add "actors" and "roles". The "actor" and "role" fields should be separate but related, and the user should be able to add as many "actors" and "roles" as they like, so the node ends up looking like this (for example):
Film title: Seven
List of actors
Brad Pitt - David Mills
Morgan Freeman - William Somerset

I've created the "actor" and "role" fields of the widget type "autocomplete term widget (tagging)" and this works OK except
(a) even though the "number of values" value in the fields is set to "unlimited", you can only add one actor and role per node
(b) I don't know how to get the two fields to be "related" so that when I create a view later, Views knows that Brad Pitt is the "actor" for the "role" of David Mills.


thoughtcat’s picture

Title: How to create multiple related fields within a node? » How to create multiple related fields within a content type?
ullascs’s picture


Need a flexible number of "item" and related quantity to be added on a content type...

ratnesh aarohi’s picture

Subscribe - I too want user to be able to add multiple values in field1 and then add related values in field2 and the views to pick up field2 value for every field 1 - so how does one do this

thoughtcat’s picture

Since posting this issue I've found Field Collection: http://drupal.org/project/field_collection - it does almost everything I want although there is a frustrating bug in it whereby clicking on a taxonomy term doesn't show nodes categorised under that term if the categorisation was done inside a "field collection". You can show those nodes with a view using a relationship however.