Hi there,

I have a panel which has a custom menu placed in it. There are also several view panes in the panel. Because I have more than one view pane, I have set the pager ID greater than zero for several of the panes. When I click on one of the pagers to go to another page for that view my custom menu disappears from the panel. I have worked out that it seems to be the "%" sign in the URL which is causing the problem. The "%" sign is used in the URL argument when the pager ID is greater than zero. When the "%" sign is not in the URL the custom menu does not disappear. I have also tested it by placing one of the default menus in the panel, but these are not affected. It only seems to be my custom menu.

I can probably get around this problem by customising one of the default menus and using this instead. However, I'm not sure if there may be a simple answer.

I have clean URLs enabled and am using the Sub-path auto module.

An example of the URLs with and without the pager are:





merlinofchaos’s picture

The %2C is just a comma, though it is possible that this is not being interpreted correctly somehow. I don't understand how that could affect a menu block, though. There's nothing Panels does here.

I would need to be able to actually duplicate this behavior in order to guess at what's going wrong. :(

bmango’s picture

Thanks for your reply merlinofchaos. I tried to replicate the problem on a fresh Drupal install without success. I guess it must be something to do with my particular configuration...

I'll report back if I manage to solve it.

merlinofchaos’s picture

In a recent CTools issue, I noticed that a blank Pager ID caused a problem. This is fixed in latest CTools -dev. Can you update and see if that was, in fact, your problem?