I'm making a view with node relationship "Content with term" from several vocabulary. So I need to use Vocabulary Description into my Views Fields. For the taxonomy term into the field I have "Taxonomy Terms (translate)" but for the Vocabulary there is only "Taxonomy Vocabulary" and it is not possible to show translation into a view. Only the original language.
I have try to rewrite the VD changin decription with description_i18n but don't work.
Someone can help me.


webflo’s picture

Project: Internationalization » Internationalization Views
Version: 7.x-1.4 » 7.x-3.x-dev
Component: Taxonomy » Code

Moving this to i18nviews.

andrea.brogi’s picture

I have made it before post here
but there is no answer.

webflo’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (duplicate)