Recent browscap module releases have removed the browscap_unmonitor() function. statistics_advanced uses this function and now causes white screens because of its absence.

The code removed from browscap is listed here and could be added to this module.

* Undo a recorded browser visit by request
* This function serves the statistics_filter module, enabling it
* to ignore visits from specified roles.
function browscap_unmonitor() {
// No point if statistics aren't enabled
if (!module_exists('statistics')) {

// If monitoring is enabled, unrecord the browser
if (variable_get('browscap_monitor', FALSE)) {
$browser = browscap_get_browser();
$browserstring = trim($browser->parent);
if ($browserstring == '' or $browserstring == 'Default Browser') {
$browserstring = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
db_query("UPDATE {browscap_statistics} SET counter = counter - 1, is_crawler=%d ".
"WHERE parent='%s'", $browser->crawler, $browserstring);