With its second version, Similar Entries is now fully integrated with Views 3. Site-builders can now manipulate Similar Entries queries through the Views interface to generate custom lists of related content.

How it Works

FULLTEXT queries

Similar Entries uses MySQL's FULLTEXT search capabilities to compare the content being viewed to other content on the site. The search is run against each available field in the database - title, body, or other fields. This query can be customized through the Views interface to include or exclude certain fields or to adjust the weight that each field's score should have towards determining its relevancy.

Updating with Cron

In order to monitor the status of various content fields, Similar Entries 2 updates internal field data each time cron runs. For this reason it is important that your site properly runs cron periodically. During cron, Similar Entries retrieves information about all the fields defined on the site and indexes each field. When new fields are added to a content type, running cron will ensure that Similar Entries indexes those fields and makes them available for use in MATCH queries.

Views Features

Similar Entries: Nid Argument (Contextual Filter)

This argument is the primary mechanism used by Similar Entries to generate custom MATCH queries. This is also where users can alter that query. Note: This filter is required for any of the additional Similar Entries filters, fields, or sorts.

Similar Entries: Similarity Score Filter

The similarity score filter allows users to limit view results to only those results which have a similarity score that meets specific criteria.

Similar Entries: Similarity Score Sort

Sorting by similarity score is essential to provide accurate results on any Similar Entries view, so this handler should always be used on a view that uses the Similar Entries: Nid argument.

Similar Entries: Similar Score Field

The similarity score field displays a field containing the similarity score either as a number or a percentage. Its options include specifying the number of decimal places that may be used in the output.