There are a number of different permissions you can assign a user with the FAQ module.

  • view faq page - users with this permission will be able to view the automatically generated 'faq' page.
  • administer faq - this permission enables users to add, update and delete FAQ nodes, regardless of who the original author was. In Drupal 5.x and later versions of the module, this permission is required for editing the configuration on the settings pages (Administer >> Site Configuration >> Frequently Asked Questions).
  • create faq - allows users to add new FAQ nodes. (Drupal 5.x and later only)
  • edit faq - allows users to edit FAQ nodes, even if they were not the original author. (Drupal 5.x and later only)
  • edit own faq - allows users to edit FAQ nodes that they have created. They will not be able to edit FAQ nodes created by other users. (Drupal 5.x and later only)