
I 've read a number of posts and still a bit unsure.

Created a few categories with taxonomy and can create stories (posts) with assigned categories. But would like to have a block on the siderbar to display the available categories.

Can I just create a block and put the links to the categories inside the block ( Example: links to http://www.mydomain.com/taxonomy/term/1, http://www.mydomain.com/taxonomy/term/2 etc)
Is there any easier way without editing the PHP?

Another question, the url to the categories is similar to above... but is it possible for the url to the categories be something like : http://www.mydomain.com/categories/mycategory1 ... etc
(I have enabled clean URL)



catch’s picture

for the second question - try the path (core, just enable it) and pathauto modules which will allow you to set rules for taxonomy (and other) urls.

For taxonomy terms in a block, tagadelic module does this, but not "per post".