This is driving me insane, it should be simple to do!

I have several content types that I would like to post about on my site. Lets say that one content type is "recipes" and one is "interesting thoughts". I have added the two content types to the "content types" section, and can add items to them as I wish. However, how can I create a link to view JUST what is posted in that content type? I would love to have a link to view both content types in the "Primary Links section" When asked for a path, I am unsure what to put. Can I not use the "machine readable type" I created for that content type?

The "Edit Menu Item" has a description reading:
The path this menu item links to. This can be an internal Drupal path such as node/add or an external URL such as Enter to link to the front page.

Can anyone PLEASE tell me the internal path to VIEW (not ADD!!) to ONLY one content type?

My machine readable names are:


In the "Path section for "Edit Menu Item" I have tried:

node/1 (this only views post 1)
node/2 (this only views post 2)
content/recipe (not found)
type/recipe (not found)
node/recipe (this displays ALL POSTS!!! Not just recipe! WHY!?!?)

Why is this so hard to do?! :(

When in administrative mode, I have the ability to sort through posts in ONE content type using drop down menus etc. Is there no link I can type in? Please help!

Thank you so much!


Christefano-oldaccount’s picture

Check out the xtracker (extended tracker) module, or use Views to create a sorting filter. Each view can have its own menu items (and blocks, pages, RSS feeds) so that may be the best way to go.

mradelet’s picture

There is a module built in called "Taxonomy" that loads whenever I click categories... Something tells me this will work for what I intend to do. However, it mentions tagging... How do I actually select a category while posting? How can I make a link to list posts under a certain category?

I see now that "content type" is more a "media content type", rather than "subject content type". I think I have been attempting to do this the wrong way. Any idea on how to answer these two new questions?

Thanks again,


Using taxonomy worked perfectly. I added terms, and the terms are selectable from a dropdown menu while posting to a single content type. Terms are essentially categories themselves for my purposes. While posting I can select a dropdown box for "recipes" or "thoughts". Links are in the form of "taxonomy/term/1" and "taxonomy/term/2" etc. I suppose the aliasing can allow me to change that to much shorter. Weee!