1. I created a 'News' content type.
2. I created a 'News' view and set it to display only the 'News' content type. I also checked the 'create a block' and set it to only show 2 items a page.
3. I went to admin/structure/blocks and set the 'View:News' block to display in the first sidebar region (im using bartik).
4. I saved it. But it doesnt show.

Help pls. Thks.


asker99’s picture

Just to help you understand,

1. When creating my content type, I named the type as 'News' and wrote a brief description.
2. I unchecked 'promoted to front page' under publishing options.
3. I unchecked 'display author and date information' under display settings.
4. I closed comment settings.

nevets’s picture

If you edit the view, down in the preview select the block display and click the 'preview' button does it show anything?

asker99’s picture

Just shows 'Title: News'

asker99’s picture

Srry, it shows 'Title' then the settings icon, and under that it says news

nevets’s picture

Either you have no published content of type "news" or the view is incorrectly configured. Did you add any filters or relationships to the view?

asker99’s picture

Oh yeah! I forgot to add content.

But in my other website i added content but still didnt show up...

Ill try and figure it out but thks again Nevet :)

asker99’s picture

For my other site,

I reinstalled views and deleted my 'news' content type.

I did the exact same thing that i did with the site which works, but for this site it doesnt work.

Im using zen for this site so im usin the starterkit.

any suggestions?

nevets’s picture

Did you recreated the news content type? Did you add any content of that type?

asker99’s picture

This time I named it Announcements and did everything the same

the content is hello and it doesnt show

Anonymous’s picture


I am to drupal and have been with this issue as well. Have you found a solution to it yet? Any advice would be appreciated.


aniketd’s picture

Hello All,

As per my assumption, This issue is comes from the conflicting the views block machine with block status.

If you want need solution for this, then Please check DB changes as per given below.

1. Going to your database.
2. Open "block" table from DB.
3. Find the block "delta" and "theme" fields values, which block you are created.
4. Check the "status" field value is currently NULL, Please changes this value with -1

Your block will be display in which theme you are selected.

Block status -1, it's means it's disabled.
Block status NULL. it's means it's not display in block list.
Block status 1, it's means it's enabled.

vinothkumarc’s picture

If you are facing this issue on D8, use place block button on listed regions to add view's block. Once added, you should be able to re-order on the list and save the configuration.

suja0710’s picture


I am completely new to Drupal. As part of my new job, I am handling a Drupal(8) website too. I changed the title of sidebar_right blocks (structure -> block layout -> sidebar_right -> configure). After that sidebar is not visible in the website. What can I do to solve this problem? Please help.


fannynyayic’s picture

I had this same issue, I had just shifted from D7 to D8. In my case I had placed the view to show content in "node/17" however in was not showing, but figured out D8 starts with a slash. So when i changed to "/node/17" all worked well.

Simply go to the block->pages->/node/node_id it will look like /node/12 depending on your node id.

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