
does anybody know how to "translate" views and panels? For all my content I use the localizer-module, which works great, but there seems no way to translate the title, header or footer of views, and panels seems to be not supported.

Any pointers are greatly appreciated,



llribas’s picture

OH! I need support for panels too!!
any idea or workaround??


Lluis Ribas

weedoo’s picture

I faced the sme problem, I had 2 solutions. First, you build a view for each language and have as many menu/block as you need, switching menu/block depending on which one is active. Second solution was to use t() function straight into panels layout for simple strings you might have.

To translate nodes, read this post http://drupal.org/node/122483,
To translate blocks, apply this patch http://drupal.org/files/issues/block_16.patch

I just updated my blocks and it worked perfectly, note: you need to have all blocks present in the same region, one block per language, and the patch will just switch them depending on the active language.

sorry for my bad english


Olivier Lemire

arbel’s picture

how do you toggle between different views for different languages when using page views? or can it not be done using page views?