The core trigger module has stagnated for years and it is slated to be removed in D8. Let's provide an upgrade path from the core trigger module to rules.


RobLoach’s picture

Our options are...

  1. Force an upgrade path from Trigger in Drupal 7 to Rules in Drupal 8 (remove both UI and migrate the data)
  2. Provide Rules integration to Trigger data in (remove the UI, keep the data)
  3. Move the module as it is over to (keep both UI and the data)

After talking with agentrickard and xjm in IRC, I think I'm leaning towards option #3, maybe with a touch of Rules migration via trigger_update later on? What are your thoughts?!

xjm’s picture

I also like the idea of providing the upgrade path from trigger to rules now, in D7.

mitchell’s picture

Title: Provide upgrade path from core trigger module » Provide upgrade path from Trigger to Rules
Project: Rules » Trigger
Version: 7.x-2.x-dev »
Component: Miscellaneous » Code

Re: trigger_update, this seems like a better location.

klonos’s picture

So, if I get this right we'll keep the data of trigger.module from any D6/D7 installation intact after upgrading to D8 and then request users to install (contrib) Rules 8.x post-install in order to get their functionality back?