salesforce 5.0.0

Bug fixes

Stable release for D9.
Minor changes from 5.0.0-beta1

salesforce 5.0.0-alpha1

Bug fixes
New features

Support for Drupal 9.1+

Addresses backwards compatibility issues, deprecations, and breaking API changes between 9.0 and 9.1. See #3203287: Drupal 9.1 deprecations and api changes for additional information.

salesforce 8.x-4.1

Bug fixes
New features

This is the first stable release to support Drupal 9.

Changes since 8.x-4.0:

salesforce 8.x-4.0

Bug fixes
New features

What's new in Salesforce Suite 4.0

To update from 8.x-3.x, you'll need to add new composer dependencies, run several module updates, and consider upgrading your authentication mechanism to the recommended JWT browser-less authentication.

salesforce 8.x-3.6

Bug fixes

Changes since 8.x-3.5:

Minor bugfixes only.

  • #3082575 by Aron Novak: Map related entity properties correctly for user entity
  • Fix failing rest client test with missing guzzle request method
  • Check for default revision before deleting
  • Check mapped object before calling ops on it
  • Add deprecation notices to RestClientInterface

salesforce 8.x-4.0-beta4

Bug fixes

Changes since 8.x-4.0-beta3:

  • Remove debugging message
  • Fixes map specificity in drush command salesforce_push:requeue
  • #3083942 by AaronBauman: Passing URL objects to t-function breaks status page

salesforce 8.x-4.0-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

Salesforce 8.x-4.x introduces a more flexible, pluggable authentication system.

This release deprecates salesforce_encrypt, and adds salesforce_jwt module to support OAuth JWT Bearer Token flow, improving security and auth configuration management.

Additionally, updates in 4.x improve stability, simplify some class structures, and address some long-standing bugs.

salesforce 8.x-3.3

Bug fixes


Previous release was incorrectly tagged.
See #3026532: 3.2 release was cut from the wrong commit. Issue a new 3.3 release from latest dev for background.
Thanks to ctrladel for figuring this out.

salesforce 8.x-3.2

Bug fixes
New features


Salesforce Suite version 8.x-3.2 adds a new dependency on Typed Data API enhancements. Please install Typed Data before proceeding with this update.

Configuration changes may be required

If your endpoint is set to anything other than "" or "", you will need to change it to one of those. "cs-", "na-", vanity URL endpoints are no longer supported.


salesforce 8.x-3.1

Security update
Bug fixes
New features

Ongoing support and development for Drupal 8 provided by Message Agency

Contributors (9)

cwells, chrisolof, aaronbauman, Martijn Houtman, chipway, gcb, rattusrattus, nhoag, gpbarga

salesforce 8.x-3.0

Bug fixes

Completed the last few bug fixes and release blocker tasks.
After nearly a year in pre-release, first 8.x stable release.

salesforce 7.x-3.3-beta3

Bug fixes
New features

This release includes a lot of changes from the issue queue, especially around error reporting/logging and upsert key behaviors.

salesforce 8.x-3.0-rc7

Bug fixes

* Fixed bug in delete handler that was preventing delete-pulls
* Fixes up local actions and paths for mapped entities
* Linter / coding style updates project-wide
* Bug fixes with missing "use" statements
* Issue #2903071 by gcb, aaronbauman: Add ability to trigger push on entities without object mappings
* Issue #2908992 by bartlangelaan: Users that can only authorize can't view menu links
* Issue #2908147: mis-named variable in deletehandler

salesforce 8.x-3.0-rc6

Bug fixes
New features

/**************** REQUIRES ENTITY UPDATE *****************/

salesforce 8.x-3.0-rc5

Bug fixes
New features

New features:
- per-queue settings and push-processor URL callbacks
- expose Guzzle HTTP client options to RestClient
- config dependency framework for mappings and mapping field plugins

various bug fixes

salesforce 8.x-3.0-rc3

Bug fixes
New features

- Adds global and per-mapping standalone push processing callbacks (PushController) and standalone settings
- Adds drush sf-push-queue command to manually trigger processing of push queue
- UI tweaks on mapping edit page
- bug fixes

salesforce 8.x-3.0-rc2

Bug fixes
New features

- Injectable soql-where clause for pull query
- Update RestClient to accommodate Apex endpoints
- Per-mapping queue settings for push an dpull
- Global settings form
- Bug fixes in pull queue handler

salesforce 8.x-3.0-beta2

Bug fixes
New features


  • Refactor Salesforce Event classes, change namespace.
    More information on:
  • Forward-port drush commands from D7, plus new drush import commands: sf-pull-query and sf-pull-file
  • Create salesforce_logging module to isolate concerns of exception and error reporting
  • Remove all watchdog_exception procedural wrappers
  • Refine dependency injection and other reusability-focused refactors and bug fixes

salesforce 8.x-3.0-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

IMPORTANT: Move Salesforce OAuth config into "authorize salesforce" permission.
Non-administrator users' permissions need to be granted the new permission in
order to access OAuth.

salesforce 7.x-3.3-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

Beta release to allow for further testing of the new merge handling. See the API docs for how to make use of this new feature. You will need to be able to create a custom object in Salesforce, a trigger in Salesforce, and implement a hook in Drupal.

Changes since 7.x-3.2:

salesforce 8.x-3.0-alpha3

Bug fixes
New features

In our first official release for Drupal 8, we've achieved some major milestones. APIs and schema are firming up, but still flexible. Expect future 8.x releases to include upgrade paths for database schema, if applicable.

Highlights include:

salesforce 7.x-3.2

Bug fixes
New features

Major additions in this release:

New admin page

The /admin/config/salesforce/settings page where you can configure which version of the API you're using. You can also configure pulls via a webhook instead of cron.

Additionally, the mappings pages have been cleaned up by Issue #1980688: Push/pull UI improvements. This removes the temptation to try to sync or push an item if, say, you only have the Salesforce Pull module enabled.

salesforce 7.x-3.1

Bug fixes
New features

Time flies. In this case, we can't believe it's been nearly a year since the last full point release for the Salesforce module. As evidenced by the 150+ commits seen below, development certainly hasn't been idle! In addition to countless performance enhancements and bug fixes, this release features an all new Drupal entity mapping system which shows a log of all synchronization activity, including any errors. Administrators can even manually create a connection between Drupal and Salesforce objects.

salesforce 7.x-3.0

Bug fixes
New features

This is ThinkShout's first ever real time module release. We're all sitting around at the end of our monthly open source sprint, celebrating this long awaited stable release. Enjoy!

Major new improvements include:

  • Decoupling bundles from record types.
  • Numerous performance improvements.
  • Improvements to relations handling.
  • Mappings are not deleted when there are problems with the sync.
  • Yay, Upserts!
  • Lots and lots of bug fixes.

Complete change log since 7.x-3.0-beta4:

salesforce 7.x-3.0-beta4

Bug fixes

Sorry for the excessive releases the past couple weeks. We're sprinting on a stable release with lots of organizations pitching in and issues have a habit of arising after the releases come out. We're getting close.

Changes since 7.x-3.0-beta3:

salesforce 7.x-3.0-beta2

Bug fixes

There was a critical error in beta1. Please use beta2 instead.

Changes since 7.x-3.0-beta1:

  • #1966590 by Drethic: PHP Error in fieldmap_type

salesforce 7.x-3.0-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

This major milestone release features significant performance improvements and bug fixes. Special thanks to kostajh (Design Hammer) and ceardach (Jackson River) for their significant contributions.

Changes since 7.x-3.0-alpha2:

salesforce 7.x-3.0-alpha1

New features

This is the first release of a complete rewrite of this module using the REST API, OAuth 2.0, and custom Drupal entities. More details can be found on this blog post.

There is not an upgrade path from previous versions of this module and ThinkShout does not have plans of providing one. That would be a welcome addition from the community.

What does an alpha release mean?

salesforce 7.x-3.x-dev

New features

Complete module rewrite by ThinkShout leveraging the Salesforce REST API, an object oriented architecture, and taking full advantage of Drupal 7 APIs.


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