Am currently trying to integrate Sharepoint and drupal using the sharepoint module and i have extracted it as well as feeds, views, jobscheduler as well as other necessary modules. I also downloaded nusoap-0.9.5 and i extracted ithe contents of the lib folder to the ".../module/sharepoint\nusoap" directory. When i try to created a view, i receive a "Class 'nusoap_client' not found in C:\...\modules\sharepoint\ on line 19" Error. how can i get this fixed


emeraldent’s picture

having the same issue.

seanfarrell’s picture

I ran into the same sort of error when I enabled the module before adding the library, and was also unable to uninstall the module afterwards.

This missing class should be loaded as part of the nusoap library. It looks like the nusoap/nusoap.php file is specified in the sharepoint module info file.

Here a note on how to reproduce, and also a workaround and possible fix.

1. Download and untar the sharepoint module
( probably should have downloaded and installed nusoap next before enabling )
2. Enable the sharepoint module
3. Configure a new endpoint.
( Spotted the error 'Could not connect to sharepoint server' )
5. Download nosoap and unzip into sharepoint/nusoap
6. Move contents of sharepoint/nusoap/lib into sharepoint/nusoap

End result for me was that I was
* unable to edit endpoint details using drupal,
* unable to disable the sharepoint module using drush or to view admin/modules web page due to "PHP Fatal error: Class 'nusoap_client'"


1. Install nusoap so that sites/all/modules/sharepoint/nusoap/nusoap.php exists
2. Use patch from here to load the library - eg.
add a line in sharepoint.module to include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'sharepoint') . '/nusoap/nusoap.php';
3. Disable the sharepoint module
4. Revert the patched code - or reinstall the sharepoint module from downloaded tar file again.
5. Add the nusoap library into place, dropping contents of lib into correct location
6. Enable sharepoint module

A stack dump seems to suggest that that the 'views_data' hook is being called during module removal (or is at least in drush). I'm not sure which hooks are being invoked during the admin/modules interface.

I think that the underlying issue might be that Drupal is not rechecking the list of [files] specified in the .info file, unless the module is disabled and re-enabled. It is also allowing installation to complete successfully, even when the prerequisite file in the library does not exist.

Sean Farrell