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  1. Oct 15, 2013
  2. Oct 14, 2013
  3. Oct 13, 2013
    • John Filipstad's avatar
      Modified 4 files. See for full description. · 03a44f2e
      John Filipstad authored
      - less/mayumi-core/mayumi-media-progressive-narrow.css.less
        - Horizontal login style is for all media.
        - Added left alignment of text if user menu is in topbar.
        - The width of the search form is for all media.
      - less/mayumi-core/mayumi-media-progressive-standard.css.less
        - The width of the search form is for all media.
      - less/mayumi-core/mayumi-style.css.less
        - Adapts navigation changes from Groundwork.
        - Used @colorWhite variable instead of #fff
        - Horizontal login if block is in topbar.
        - Added center alignment of text if user menu is in topbar.
        - Removed support for WYSIWYG. Will be in the docs instead.
        - Fixed width of search input.
        - Declared font-family for submit button so it will work even if the
      site's fonts has been changed.
      - templates/page.tpl.php
        - Adapts navigation changes from Groundwork.
  4. Oct 10, 2013
  5. Jan 31, 2012