I'm getting a connection reset on my local computer and these messages in the Apache log:

[Mon Apr 30 14:02:05 2007] [error] [client] ModSecurity: Warning. Pattern match "(?:(?:\\\\b(?:f(?:tp_(?:nb_)?f?(?:ge|pu)t|get(?:s?s|c)|scanf|write|open|read)|gz(?:(?:encod|writ)e|compress|open|read)|s(?:ession_start|candir)|read(?:(?:gz)?file|dir)|move_uploaded_file|(?:proc_|bz)open)|\\\\$_(?:(?:pos|ge)t|session))\\\\b|<\\\\?)" at ARGS:body. [id "950013"] [msg "PHP Injection Attack"] [severity "CRITICAL"] [hostname "docs"] [uri "/node/76/edit?destination=admin%2Fcontent%2Fnode"] [unique_id "SG5EusCoAWQAAA6MkoEAAAD5"]

[Mon Apr 30 14:02:12 2007] [error] [client] ModSecurity: Warning. Match of "rx \\\\b(?:(?:i(?:nterplay|hdr|d3)|(?:(?:ex|jf)i|%pd)f|m(?:ovi|thd)|r(?:ar!|iff)|f(?:lv|ws)|varg|.ra|cws)\\\\b|gif)" against "RESPONSE_BODY" required. [id "970902"] [msg "PHP source code leakage"] [severity "WARNING"] [hostname "docs"] [uri "/index.php?q=node/89"] [unique_id "SNOYq8CoAWQAAA6MkoQAAAD5"]

This is from a snippet I got from this site:

// Database size = table size + index size:
  $rows = db_query("SHOW TABLE STATUS");
  $dbssize = 0;
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rows)) {
    $dbssize += $row['Data_length'] + $row['Index_length'];
  $output = "$dbssize bytes<br />";
  $dbssize = db_size_info($dbssize);
  $output .= "or<br />" . "{$dbssize['size']} {$dbssize['type']}";
  print $output;

function db_size_scale($dbsize) {
  $bytes = array('KB', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'); 
  if ($dbsize < 1024) $dbsize = 1;             
  for ($i = 0; $dbsize > 1024; $i++) $dbsize /= 1024;
    $db_size_info['size'] = ceil($dbsize);
    $db_size_info['type'] = $bytes[$i];
    return $db_size_info;


styro’s picture

If you want to enter PHP into Drupal blocks or nodes etc, you'll need to tell mod_security (an Apache third party add on module) not to block PHP.

I have no idea how to configure mod_security, but my opinion is that turning it off is probably the best idea.

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NancyDru’s picture

I use lots of php and have never had this problem. As a matter of fact I use this same code in a block on another site with no trouble.

Nancy W.
Drupal Cookbook (for New Drupallers)
Adding Hidden Design or How To notes in your database

VM’s picture

but does said other site, have mod_security enabled ?

NancyDru’s picture

VM’s picture

then there is the reason it worked on one and not the other. Quite a few hosts use mod_secuirty. This module on the apache side can be a pain in the rear end. certain words used won't allow the user to make posts either mod_security thinks its a programming language.

NancyDru’s picture

On my local PC, I am basically a multi-site. I'm using the same copy of Apache, MySql, and Drupal base code in all my test sites. And, actually I have no idea what mod_security is, so I wouldn't have enabled it on one "site" and not another.

Even though I'm using the same SQL statement, I have gotten around this problem by using different code (for one thing db_fetch_object instead of the array form in my original post.

Nancy W.
Drupal Cookbook (for New Drupallers)
Adding Hidden Design or How To notes in your database