I added an Image field to the Basic Page content type. I want to display the image with the CCK Blocks module, so I went to "Manage Display" and set the format to "Hidden" for the Image field in Default. Then, on the CCK Blocks page (under "Manage Display"), I set the format to Image and the Image Style to a preset (960x300).

Then I set up the CCK Block to display in the Preface First region.

With this setup, I should see the image only once on the page. However, in the Omega theme, it displays twice: Once in the CCK block and once in the node.

This is apparently a problem only in Omega; I tried switching to the Bartik theme, which handled the hidden field correctly (by not displaying it).

I'd appreciate any suggestions about how to fix this. Thanks.


marcoka’s picture

Could you check the css, and if, what styles are responsible.