I just installed Location for the first time and, so far, location views is saving my butt. Thanks! But, I'm trying to do something I can't quite figure out:

I am listing nodes by state, then by city. Currently, you can browse to the state page, which lists all the cities below it, then you can click on the city to see a list of all nodes within that city.

However, I need my state page to list, not only the sub cities, but also show all the nodes in the state. It would, in effect, be a combination of choosing both "display all values" AND "summary, sorted..." in the arguments....Hopefully that makes sense.

Basically, it's functioning how I want, except that it's not listing all the nodes on the state page (below the listing of cities in that state).

Your help would be very much appreciated...I'm new to arguments, so I don't have a handle on how to use them yet.

My Currently Exported View:

  $view = new stdClass();
  $view->name = 'ArtistByLocation';
  $view->description = '';
  $view->access = array (
  $view->view_args_php = '';
  $view->page = TRUE;
  $view->page_title = 'Artists By Location';
  $view->page_header = '<h2>Artists By Location</h2>';
  $view->page_header_format = '3';
  $view->page_footer = '';
  $view->page_footer_format = '3';
  $view->page_empty = '<h2>Artists Coming Soon...</h2>
Sorry, there are no artists in this state yet.  Are you an artist from Michigan?  <a href="/about/artistsguide" title="Artists Guide">Find out about being a GoZabo artist here.</a>';
  $view->page_empty_format = '3';
  $view->page_type = 'teaser';
  $view->url = 'artists/state';
  $view->use_pager = TRUE;
  $view->nodes_per_page = '50';
  $view->block = TRUE;
  $view->block_title = 'Browse By Location';
  $view->block_header = '';
  $view->block_header_format = '3';
  $view->block_footer = '';
  $view->block_footer_format = '3';
  $view->block_empty = '';
  $view->block_empty_format = '3';
  $view->block_type = 'teaser';
  $view->nodes_per_block = '50';
  $view->block_more = TRUE;
  $view->block_use_page_header = FALSE;
  $view->block_use_page_footer = FALSE;
  $view->block_use_page_empty = FALSE;
  $view->sort = array (
  $view->argument = array (
    array (
      'type' => 'province',
      'argdefault' => '4',
      'title' => 'Browse by State',
      'options' => '',
      'wildcard' => '',
      'wildcard_substitution' => '',
    array (
      'type' => 'city',
      'argdefault' => '4',
      'title' => 'Browse By City',
      'options' => '0',
      'wildcard' => '',
      'wildcard_substitution' => '',
  $view->field = array (
  $view->filter = array (
    array (
      'tablename' => 'node',
      'field' => 'type',
      'operator' => 'OR',
      'options' => '',
      'value' => array (
  0 => 'uprofile',
  $view->exposed_filter = array (
  $view->requires = array(node);
  $views[$view->name] = $view;


terrybritton’s picture

I agree, I would also like this functionality.

scottrigby’s picture

This would be helpful

advancebrain’s picture


can you please help me??
But i want to list the states list with link. If we click the link it should show the nodes with that particular state.
Please advice me as i can understand... I have created the address field using addresses module. I want to retrieve only the state name using views.

Thanks for your help...!

iRex’s picture
