Header contains breadcrumbs menu linked to taxonomy. Taxonomy term path: category/[vocab-raw]/[catpath-raw] uses tokens (content type) and automatically assigns URL aliases for published nodes of product pages displaying block with menu by document.getElementById. URL aliases are set for nodes to corresponding product pages categorized using taxonomy structure.

New published nodes display category or [cathpath-raw] displaying [HOME] >> >> TERM. What URL alias, token, vocabulary setting updates would display [HOME] >> [VOCABULARY] >> TERM ie [vocab-raw] content on newly published nodes? How should vocabulary hierarchy and menu taxonomy be synchronized?

function taxonomy_term_path($term) {
$vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($term->vid);
if ($vocabulary->module != 'taxonomy' && $path = module_invoke($vocabulary->module, 'term_path', $term)) {
return $path;
return 'taxonomy/term/' . $term->did;

Modules: Pathauto 6x-1.5, Token 6.x-1.16, Token actions, Token starter, Taxonomy Menu Vocabulary Path