I'm building an Advanced Forum theme and overriding some of the templates from the Naked theme.

The header of advanced-forum.naked.post.tpl.php says:

All variables available in node.tpl.php and comment.tpl.php for your theme
are available here. In addition, Advanced Forum makes available the following
- $top_post: TRUE if we are formatting the main post (ie, not a comment)
* - $reply_link: Text link / button to reply to topic.
* - $total_posts: Number of posts in topic (not counting first post).
* - $new_posts: Number of new posts in topic, and link to first new.
* - $links_array: Unformatted array of links.
* - $account: User object of the post author.
* - $name: User name of post author.
* - $author_pane: Entire contents of the Author Pane template.

However, $total_posts and $new_posts are both undefined.

Is this an error in the comment, or is there another way to get at these variables?




troky’s picture

Those variables are used in advanced-forum.naked.topic-header.tpl.php template as $total_posts_count and $new_posts_count.

There is also $comment_count variable set for advanced-forum.naked.post.tpl.php