We would like to add the product name to the expiry email. Most of our subscribers will have one subscription and we can use that in the email. If they have more than one, we can use the one closest to expiry. I am happy to work on code. Where would be the best place to add something to roles expiry?

I am thinking of adding a module X and copying the uc_roles_token function then using that to create an extra token. Something that could be contributed back to the Ubercart project. The token could then be available in the expiry message.

I added to the rules to create a reminder message at the next login. Alternative B might be to add a field to the user named role_expiring and populate that from the expiry rule. The field can then be used in the reminder message and in lists of users with expiring subscriptions. This part is not important yet because there are currently few multiple subscriptions per person.


YesCT’s picture

this sounds related to this forum post http://drupal.org/node/1097396 about expiration reminder product or role token not working. and a bit like per product reminders mentioned in a ubercart forum post http://www.ubercart.org/forum/support/10601/email_role_expiration_remind...