Hi guys,

I have looked everywhere, installed a few modules like: page_title-7.x-2.5.tar, exclude_node_title-7.x-1.3.tar but I still have not figure out how to get rid of the titles of the the attached images.
It might be a stupid question but if anyone could help I would really appreciate.



image 1
image 2
image 3


John_B’s picture

Before hacking the theme, or worse still the modules producing these strings, it is worth trying String Overrides module, put in the offending string and replace with empty. It works sometimes, not always.

Digit Professionals specialising in Drupal, WordPress & CiviCRM support for publishers in non-profit and related sectors

rodvolpe’s picture

Thank you very much..... The string override worked just fine. Just needed to changed some buttons that had the same string value.

totocol’s picture

Are you familiar with CSS?

If you are, download firebug, identify the ID of the elements you want to eliminate and then use

That would be the easiest way.

You can also use a theme override to create a node-nodex.php.tpl and then delete the element that you need to delete for the specific node.

Hope that helps

rodvolpe’s picture

Thanks for your post. I know CSS. Although the string overrides worked I tried to follow your advice just to learn something new but i could not figure out how you can find the ID of the elements? I am a bit dumb i think!

schnelle02’s picture

With firebug for firefox you can right click the title and select 'Inspect element' on the context menu. It will then identify what styles are being applied to it and what files it is coming from. This makes dissecting something you didn't build much easier.

RKS’s picture

I don't really like Firebug. This is the single thing I like better in IE but most of the time i just go old school and look at the source and do a page search for what I need. That has always been the fastest way for me.

rodvolpe’s picture

Believe me... This is the first thing I actually do.... FIND and Replace.. Could not find it there for some reason... anyway thanks you all for the great tips!