These are probably noob questions, but hopefully you all are gentle with me!

I'm building a site that is to have "Events" and "Stories" and eventually other types. I've already figured out how to create a new content type for Events, and have added some custom fields for start_date, end_date, link_url, etc..

I've built a "Event Type" category with a few terms ("Seminar", "Workshop", "Meeting", etc.) and this category is only for Events. I've also created a "Tags" category, which is a free tagging taxonomy, and can apply to Events and Stories.

What I'd like to do, but can't figure out is:

1. Create my primary link navigation at the top with "Events", "Stories", etc., and for each of those links to go to a list of all events, stories, etc.. i.e. navigate to a page that lists content of only one given content type.

2. Change the way each content type is displayed. i.e. Events will have different formatting thatn Stories (mostly so I can put the start_date, end_date in a nice format, and make the link_url clickable, etc.). I'm guessing I'll have to start digging into theme building for this?

3. Change it so that if I want a list of all "Meeting" type Events, users would visit "http://domain.tld/events/meeting", instead of "http://domain.tld/taxonomy/term/5", which is what it is now. I do have clean URLs turned on.

Thanks in advance!

- Colin


ericG’s picture

1: use the views module to make a view (page) that has only the content type you want, link your menu items to the urls for those views module generated pages.

2: you should try to play with the contemplate module (it provides a simple way to theme a content type). if that does not work for what you want you would have to make your own template/theme file for those content types

3: create a url alias so that events/meeting points to taxonomy/term/5