I have a site setup. I have a taxonomy term named say movies. Then I have a list of terms for example. Drama, Documentary, Action, Horror.

Then I let people post and select which terms apply to their post.

Then on my front page I have a menu where each menu item matches one of the terms, and points that terms directory. So they link to /Drama.

What I want is to have the menu instead of just listing the menu items and linking to the stories that have that term selected, I would like a count of the posts in that category also. So instead of a menu like this:


I would see one like this:
Drama (3)
Documentary (1)
Action (15)
Horror (8)

Do I need to find some special module for this? Does drupal itself do what I need? Or do I have thing setup wrong fromt he start? I am sure its an easy thing to do, I just haven't figured out how. :)



underpenguin’s picture

Look into views. You should be able to acheive this pretty easily. Just use a Taxonomy Term as an argument.