I'm thinking about developing a module that would alter the URL returned for multimedia (images mostly) so that the URL returned is something like, http://media.mydomain.com/files/images/user/image1.jpg, instead of the standard http://www.mydomain.com/files/images/user/image1.jpg

On the back end, when users upload images, they would still be written to Drupal directory defined in the local file structure, that directory will just happen to be a remote file system mounted local as a local directory path.

Basically, I'm trying to offload CPU and Memory for processing multimedia requests to a second set of hardware.

I'm comfortable writing the PHP, but I'm not sure where to hook into to alter that original URL that is returned.

Any ideas??


kyouens’s picture

Does anyone know if this can be done? I'd be interested in having something like this set up on my site.

Anonymous’s picture
