I have a nifty little code-generation utility that encodes images and generates a PHP class for embedding the encoded images into a distributable PHP script.

Today I tried to drop the utility into a Drupal page (http://ezinedesigner.com/embed-images-php.html) but I'm finding that my page is unable to post the list of image URLs back to itself.

The form is exceedingly simple (data is scrubbed and then not stored to a database). It looks like this:

 <form method="post"> 
  <textarea name="images"></textarea>
  <input type="submit" value="Encode Images" />

The textarea "images" data is just not passing through. If I send with the "get" method everything works fine but with "post" the data is cleared before it reaches the page. It's almost as if a redirect is happening - but the page is simply posting to itself so there should be no redirect.

Anybody have an idea what's going on here? Is Drupal just angry that I'm not using Forms API? ;)
