I've read numerous instructions on how to use Drupal for manging multiple sites but can't get the hang of it.

If I create sites/testsite and copy sites/default/settings.php to it, should I be able to access my testsite using

http://localhost/drupal/testsite ? I can't so, clearly I'm missing something.

What I can't figure out is how http://localhost/drupal/testsite would b able to find drupal/index.php and use the settings for testsite.

Any explanation for this would be very helpful.


stBorchert’s picture

Copied from settings.php:

* For example, for a fictitious site installed at
* http://www.drupal.org/mysite/test/, the 'settings.php'
* is searched in the following directories:
* 1. sites/www.drupal.org.mysite.test
* 2. sites/drupal.org.mysite.test
* 3. sites/org.mysite.test

So I would say your path should look like sites/drupal.testsite/settings.php.



jpolt’s picture

I have that!

Under drupal I have sites/testsite/settings.php

how do I address testsite?

I'm using http://localhost/drupal/testsite

but that doesn't work gives me a 404.

I can't tell if seettings.php needs to be changed.

tintin85’s picture

I think you need to set up vhosts in your httpd.conf file

jpolt’s picture

It strikes me that I may need to create a seperate database for each site, as I don't know if a Drupal database can distinguish between different sites.

I haven't seen any mention of needing to create new databases for multiple sites, so I'm not at all sure if this is an issue.

Please advise.