Some modules allow users to define extra validation rules defined in a hook. (e.g hook_webform_validation_validators()). To support these custom rules, clientside validation has its own hook, hook_clientside_validation_rule_alter. We had to use an 'alter' hook because module_invoke and module_invoke_all does not support passing arguments by reference, drupal_alter does.

If you want to add support for your custom validation rules defined for webform_validation, fapi_validation or field_validation, you can use this hook. Every validation rule that is defined for any of these modules and is not implemented as standard by clientside_validation is passed through to this hook (given that the related clientside validation module is enabled and that clientside validation is enabled for the specific form).

The first parameter to this hook is an array. This array, consistently named $js_rules, is passed by reference throughout the entire module and is the key to the entire functionality of this module.

The second parameter is the form element or webform component (dependend on third parameter)

The third parameter, named $context, is a structured array. It consists of the following keys:

  • 'type': The type of form validation we are dealing with. Can be either 'webform', 'fapi', 'field_validation' or 'element_validate'.
  • 'rule': An array representing the webform validation, fapi validation or field validation rule. Only present when 'type' is 'webform', 'fapi' or 'field_validation'.
  • 'functions': An array of functions found in the '#element_validate' of the element. Only present if 'type' is 'element_validate'.
  • 'message': The default error message for when this rule does not pass validation. Only present when 'type' is 'webform', 'fapi' or 'field_validation'.


$js_rules An array structured like this:
$js_rules[$inputname][$rulename] = $parameters;
$js_rules[$inputname]['messages'][$rulename] = $message;
Where $inputname is the name attribute of the input element, $rulename is the name of the rule (e.g. 'email'), $parameters is either TRUE (e.g. for 'email'), an array (e.g. for 'range': array(2, 10)) or a single value (e.g. for 'max_length': 10) and $message is the error message displayed when the validation does not pass.

$element Either a form element or a webform component.

$context A structured array consisting of the following keys:

  • 'type': The type of form validation we are dealing with. Can be either 'webform', 'fapi', 'field_validation' or 'element_validate'.
  • 'rule': An array representing the webform validation, fapi validation or field validation rule. Only present when 'type' is 'webform', 'fapi' or 'field_validation'.
  • 'functions': An array of functions found in the '#element_validate' of the element. Only present if 'type' is 'element_validate'.
  • 'message': The default error message for when this rule does not pass validation. Only present when 'type' is 'webform', 'fapi' or 'field_validation'.

In the example below we use validations that are already implemented as usage examples. In the example the following rules are implemented for clientside validation:

  • minimum length for webform_validation
  • specific characters for fapi_validation
  • regular expression for field_validation
function hook_clientside_validation_rule_alter (&$js_rules, $element, $context) {
  switch ($context['type']) {
    case 'webform':
      if ($context['rule']['validator'] == 'min_length') {
        _clientside_validation_set_minmaxlength($component['element_name'], $component['element_title'], $context['rule']['data'], '', $js_rules, $context['message']);

    case 'fapi':
      if ($context['rule']['callback'] == 'fapi_validation_rule_chars') {
        _clientside_validation_set_specific_values($element['#name'], $element['#title'], $context['params'], $js_rules);

    case 'field_validation':
      if ($context['rule']['validator'] == 'regex') {
        _clientside_validation_set_regex($element['#name'], $element['#title'], $js_rules, $context['rule']['data'], $context['message']);

    case 'element_validate':
      if (in_array('_container_validate', $context['functions'])) {
              'form_key' => $element['textfield_two']['#name'],
              'name' => $element['textfield_two']['#title'],
          t("The two fields cannot have the same value")



It speaks for itself that Clientside Validation cannot provide javascript validation code for custom validation rules defined in php. So if you want to support Clientside Validation you will have to code the javascript equivalent of your custom php validation rule and make it available for Clientside validation. Below is an example of how you would do this.
Drupal 7:

//jQuery wrapper
(function ($) {
  //Define a Drupal behaviour with a custom name
  Drupal.behaviors.myModuleBehavior = {
    attach: function (context) {
      //Add an eventlistener to the document reacting on the
      //'clientsideValidationAddCustomRules' event.
      $(document).bind('clientsideValidationAddCustomRules', function(event){
        //Add your custom method with the 'addMethod' function of jQuery.validator
        jQuery.validator.addMethod("myCustomMethod", function(value, element, param) {
          //let an element match an exact value defined by the user
          return value == param;
          //Enter a default error message, numbers between {} will be replaced
          //with the matching value of that key in the param array, enter {0} if
          //param is a value and not an array.
        }, jQuery.format('Value must be equal to {0}'));

Drupal 6:

//Define a Drupal behaviour with a custom name
Drupal.behaviors.myModuleBehavior = {
  attach: function (context) {
    //Add an eventlistener to the document reacting on the
    //'clientsideValidationAddCustomRules' event.
    $(document).bind('clientsideValidationAddCustomRules', function(event){
      //Add your custom method with the 'addMethod' function of jQuery.validator
      jQuery.validator.addMethod("myCustomMethod", function(value, element, param) {
        //let an element match an exact value defined by the user
        return value == param;
        //Enter a default error message, numbers between {} will be replaced
        //with the matching value of that key in the param array, enter {0} if
        //param is a value and not an array.
      }, jQuery.format('Value must be equal to {0}'));