Video Tutorial of Commerce Bulk Product Creation Module:

Commerce (bulk product creation) facilitates the creation of products in bulk. This is particularly useful if you have a number of "variants" for each product (say, different sizes/colors of the same shirt). While Drupal Commerce will treat each of those as a distinct product, Commerce (bulk product creation) allows you to create all these products through a single form submission.

Commerce (bulk product creation) also provides facilities to easily create display nodes referencing the bulk-created products.

Note: In the current version (1.0), all this modules does is manage bulk creation. Once the products are created, this module will not be of any help in bulk product / "product with variation" management. This may change in later versions.

Installation and basic configuration

  1. Download and install the commerce_bpc module.
  2. Make sure at least one of your product types has at least one "combination-creating" field.

    As of this writing, combination-creating fields can be the core list fields ("List (integer)", "List (text)", "List (float)" and "Boolean") or taxonomy reference fields. Note that taxonomy fields will only work after enabling the included Commerce (bulk product creation) taxonomy integration module. Also, taxonomy reference fields must be set to be displayed in the "Add to cart" form (a Commerce-specific field setting) in order to work.

  3. Once you have at least one of these fields (though two on the same product type are really necessary to benefit from this module), you can use the Bulk add products link (local task) on the products page to bulk-create products.


The bulk creation form resembles the standard Create Product form, but is broken down into three sections, each of which contains form elements with different behavior:

  1. Product Info Here, a limited number of core product fields will appear. These include a field for the part of the title that is shared by all created products, the part of the SKU that is shared by all created product, as well as all price fields attached to the product type.
  2. Combinations Combination-creating fields will show up here, as checkboxes, multi-select fields or (only for taxonomy term fields) autocomplete fields. One product will be created for each possible combination of the fields in this section.
  3. Static values The values of the fields in this section will be shared by all of the created products.


We advise against using the product reference autocomplete widget for content types that are used with bulk creation. The autocomplete widget does not offer a good user experience with large numbers of referenced products. Also, the autocomplete text field is limited to 2048 characters, a limit that is quickly reached with BPC.