I am also posting this in Rubik, perhaps Tao isn't the correct place for this report. If so, I am sorry.

Following various documentation I've found on the internet and conventions I can find used within Tao and Rubik, this is what I am using in the template.php of the Rubik theme.

 $items['user_login'] = array(
  'template' => 'user-login',
  'arguments' => array('form' => array()),
  'preprocess functions' => array(

The page is themed, however the problem is now if I go to the module configuration page or the theme configuration page, the login form is displayed. I've also tried this code snippit without the specific section to call the preprocess section and it still operates the same.

Part 2

$items['user_register'] = array(
  'template' => 'user-register',
  'arguments' => array('form' => array())

This is the line right after the user-login bit. If I have this in, but not the user login portion, the display of the themes and modules pages is corrupted. I've tried this with variations on the preprocess functions (buttons, legacy, and filter) with no luck.