I'm very excited about this module because it is really going to help me out with what I plan on doing with my site. I know the module is in dev version for Drupal 7, but I am still trying to get it tow work. The only thing is I seem to be missing something because the form is not showing up at all. Here are my steps:

  1. Download and Install module.
  2. Check the "Enable data entry from a block" in my content type settings.
  3. Enable the block (I have tried the registration form and the request password form).
  4. I go to the page that I am testing and the forms do not show.

Is there something I am missing? I appreciate any help. Thank you


kjg’s picture

Have there been any updates on this problem? I've been experiencing the same issue.

Preston McMurry’s picture

I am a Drupal n00b. I just installed formblock yesterday. Did whatever the formblock setups are, put my form in a new block, put the block in a node, and have the whole thing working.

1) Create content type video-entry.

2) Add node for content type video-entry is the "form". First page (actually shown div) has some text inputs and one (or more) file uploads. Second page (or revealed div) has some more text inputs, plus save button.

2) Add node of content type page, with some yadda yadda for text, URL entry_form.

3) In admin/structure/block added "Video Entry form block" to the content region. Block title , default theme, only listed on pages [entry_form], content types and roles not restricted, users not customizable. That gets the block on the entry_form node, but does not get the video-form in the block.

4) Edit the video-entry, in the lower left grey box, will be a "Form block" item. Click it. Check "Enable data entry from a block". Save. Now the video-form is in the block. Every thing should be hooked up.

5) Flush cache just to be sure.

6) Go to /entry_form. Voila!


entry form
dbkern’s picture

I had a problem with this as well. Turns out I had to change the permissions (admin/people/permissions). I initially suspected this and looked for some permission for the form block. I couldn't find one. It took me a while to realize that I had to change the permission for adding the content type that is being displayed in the form block. Once I did that, it worked great.