OK, so trying to get some ideas on how to do something with my site. Here is what is looks like right now.

If you click on News you can see there are basically 5 programs that our website has information about. That works fine.

What I'd like to do is create a Programs Menu on the left side where there would be a submenu for each program. What basically comes up should be a description of the program, but I'd like to do more than just have a static page there. Here is what I'm thinking...

If someone were to click Program|Marching Band it would come up with a page that includes one or more nodes with the following information...

- Overview of program
- Current Year Staff
- Current Year Student Leadership
- Current Year Show name and information
- Links to other things about this program (News, Videos, Pictures, etc.)
- Maybe student testimonial (picture of a student with them talking about the program)

Of course I could just make a big page node and dump everything in there, but I'd rather do it as a structured set of nodes to make it easier to maintain. What are some different ways to make a page a structured set of nodes?

Any and all ideas gratefully accepted.




SomebodySysop’s picture

You could do this using taxonomy and a term hieararchy, but you might want to look at the Category module: http://drupal.org/project/category